Poetry, Writing, and Art

Photo by Amira Maxwell

Sagaree Jain (they/them) is a poet, writer, researcher, and queer from the Silicon Valley. Their writing has been featured in Autostraddle, The Margins, them. magazine, and The Offing, where they are also an Assistant Editor. Their poetry collection with Arati Warrier, Longing and Other Heirlooms, was the winner of the Eggtooth Editions Chapbook Contest, and their book SHRINES is out from Game Over Books now. Other things they love include working with young people, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and abolishing the prison industrial complex. They are class and caste privileged and tweet at @sagareej.

In 2019, Sagaree and Arati began writing Longing and Other Heirlooms, a collaborative chapbook about queer love, sex, and family. Longing and Other Heirlooms is a love letter to queer people of color, to queer folks finding their way, and to each other.

Click the flyer below to visit our publisher Eggtooth Editions, where you can buy the book!

Want to read Sagaree’s poetry, writing, and essays? Click here! Want to contact Sagaree about a project? Click here!